Almost all illustrations used in this book are of actual cases examined or visited, or parts of animations used to explain slope-related issues as simply as possible.
A considerable amount of material used in this book has been the result of our involvement in some 250 massive slopes along the East-West Highway, from re-design to construction and re-evaluation. The knowledge gained with respect to good construction practices, attention paid to drainage structures, slope covers and the maintenance of completed slopes has nelped towards an understanding of the very practical side of slope engineering and maintenance.
We gratefully note that our experience alone could not be sufficient for a book like this. We have, with thanks, utilized the experience and excellent works of others, most of whom we have acknowledged in this document.
How maintenance affects the daily lives of people affected by slopes was more apparent when we were commissioned to examine some 215 institutions under the Ministry of Education affected by slopes These institutions were in Wilayah, Selangor and Pahang. At each institution, users were interviewed. and available information was studied before the site inspections were carried out. Reports were prepared for each institution describing the respective issues and recommendations for remedial measures in the case of these institutions, it was found that though maintenance was in place, the maintenance suffered from lack of intelligent maintenance simply put knowing why and then doing it.
For example, it was found that almost all drains exposed to visitors and users, usually in front of the institutions, were clean and well-kept. On the other hand, the drains and drainage structures behind the institutions and around the institutions were usually in very bad state, Lack of intelligent maintenance was more than apparent in the form of waterlogged soft areas at toe of slopes, settlements above the slopes, signs of imminent slips, clogged drains and sumps.
The basic conclusion drawn from this has been that maintenance by itself is not enough if one does not know how things work without which it would be difficult to keep such things in good shape, Le maintain them.
The term intelligent maintenance is used to describe the concept of maintenance where those involved in maintenance understand why such maintenance is essential and then undertake the maintenance.
This book consists of simple explanations, this book does not replace various guidelines and manuals prepared by various authorities.
This book has referred to numerous excellent writeups with respect to slope maintenance from the US, Japan, Australia and Hong Kong. However. this book has also been prepared taking into account our unique local conditions and with advice from our local practitioners.
On a last note, we point out again that this document is aimed at providing understanding with respect to slopes and does not in any way constitute a guideline or a repair manual and does not replace professional advice or specialist contractors.
with grateful thanks to...
Prof Andrew Malone
Director, Applied Geoscience Centre Department of Earth Sciences, Hong Kong University who not only encouraged development of Slopes Made Simple but also helped make this book technically acceptable.
Eriko Motoyama
Public Awareness and Education on Landslides and Slope Safety, Slope Engineering Branch, Public Works Department whose unwavering belief in the value of the book for the good of the public helped shape the book to its present form.
Malaysian - Thai Development (MTD)
, the contractor for the remedial works on the East-West Highway. Our thanks are not only for allowing usage of work site photographs, but also for some of the best slope construction practices we have had the honour to be associated with. Experience gained as the result of this association has considerable influence on Slopes Made Simple. Considerable amount of these works were documented and have been used by us as examples of good practice.
The News Media
The Star
New Straits Times
Malay Mail
For allowing us to use extracts from their publications for this book.
Jurutera Perunding GEA (M) Sdn. Bhd. IGEAI, is a Malaysian engineering consultancy organization providing services in civil, infrastructure, geotechnical, coastal and environmental consulting engineering services. GEA is a professional organization, registered with various Malaysian government bodies, including the Ministry of Finance, the Public Works Department, the Department of Environment and various other ministries and government bodies. As a professiorial organization, GEA is registered with the Board of Engineers. Malaysia as a Body Corporate and is also a panel member of Association of Consulting Engineers, Malaysia.
GEA has been involved in numerous slope related projects Notable amongst thern are:
Rehabilitation of some 200 plus massive slopes along the East-West Highway between Jeli in Kelantan to Grik in Perak. Scope of services included design evaluation to overseeing construction of these slopes. Considerable examples of good construction practices presented in this book are from this project.
Evaluation of some 215 institutions under the Ministry of Education in Selangor, Wilayah and Pahang for slope related problems. Almost the entire book is a direct result of our involvement in this project, including simplification of slope related issues, actual examples given and do's and don'ts
A slope study for some 300km of the Tamparuk Sandakan road along with three others. GEA was also responsible for the development of an interactive slope training guide for JKR and production of a slope awareness video.
Other projects have provided GEA with considerable hands-on experience and insight into what constitutes good practice. In all GEA projects, the interaction with the clients, and contractors has led to a great learning experience. This book is the direct result of such interactions more than apparent in the form of waterlogged soft areas at toe of slopes, settlements above the slopes, signs of imminent slips, clogged drains and sumps.
The basic conclusion drawn from this has been that maintenance by itself is not enough if one does not know how things work without which it would be difficult to keep such things in good shape, Le, maintain them.
The term intelligent maintenance is used to describe the concept of maintenance where those involved in maintenance understand why such maintenance is essential and then undertake the maintenance.
This book consists of simple explanations, this book does not replace various guidelines and manuals prepared by various authorities.
This book has referred to numerous excellent writeups with respect to slope maintenance from the U.S., Japan, Australia and Hong Kong. However, this book has also been prepared taking into account our unique local conditions and with advice from our local practitioners.
On a last note, we point out again that this document is aimed at providing understanding with respect to slopes and does not in any way constitute a guideline or a repair manual and does not replace professional advice or specialist contractors
Ir. Shaik Abdul Wahed
Jurutera Perunding GEA (M) Sdn Bhd
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