
What is a slope

Living with slopes

Fighting against nature

Things we do with nature

Risk and slopes

Foundation for slope failures

Why design a slope

Slope design and surroundings

Manmade slopes

Features of a manmade slope

Flow of water along the slope

Working of a typical sump

Drain elements working together as drainage system

Construction of slopes

Good and bad construction practices

About good construction practice

Slope covers

Turfing: close turfing and spot turf

Spot turfing: why it does not always work

Case of spot turfing in practice

Other types of covers

Stone pitching

Fabric covers

Slope failures

The worst conditions

About landslides, debris flows and such unpleasant happenings

Types of landslides

Causing landslides and slips



Previous land use

Retaining walls

Retained slopes

How retaining structures work

Drainage in the retaining walls


Working of weepholes

Brick walls

Rubble walls

Reinforced concrete walls (RC walls)

Crib walls

Gabian walls

Reinforced earth wall

Water and slopes

About water

Water, drainage and your property

Changes to drainage patterns

Slope erosion and drainage

Actual examples



Toe drains

Wet toe areas

Misused and neglected drains

Cutoff drains

Cascade drains


Sinkholes and piping

Retaining walls: rubble walls

Retaining walls: concrete walls

Retaining walls: crib walls

Retaining walls. brick wall

Example of what not to do

Keeping safe

How to keep your slope safe

Tips on problem recognition and maintenance

Deformed structures

Suspect landforms

Other signs

Keeping safe



Warning signs of slope failure

What to do during a storm

What to do if you suspect imminent landslide danger

Maintenance checklist

Before getting started

Conduct a survey of your property and adjacent areas

Prepare the checklist

Some suggestions for preparation of a checklist

Conduct regular maintenance checks

Simple repairs

Looking at simple drain distresses

Three distress scenarios

Repair for erosion along the drain wall

Repairing damaged drains

A bad practice

Repairing worned out base of the drain

Tamping/packing soil for drain base